"Do not become impatient while God is producing Christlikeness in you. Do not seek more responsibilities than those He has given you. Obey all that you know He has asked, and He will lead you at a pace that fits your present character and His purposes for you." taken from "Experiencing God Day by Day", based on Deuteronomy 7:22; was the reading for Agosto 23rd, a Tuesday this year, one of the busier days for us. Abba speaking directly to us...gracias!
Sewing classes are going fabuluminously!
On Tuesday, Patsy gave a quilting lesson,
a great way to use their new skill of sewing
straight lines, and by Thursday, each girl
had made at least 2 patch-strip squares(Yolanda finished 5!)They also learned how to use their seam rippers :D. Pinky is sulking as she isn't allowed to take the class!
Meet the newest staff member of RDA: Gilda, the chef! She's been with Rosa for a few weeks now, and is a real asset. Pray she sticks, not in a culinary sense, only in a staff sense, around!
And introducing the newest girl: Lesbia, but call her Pati, 10 yrs old!
She arrived midweek and amazingly settled right in. She has a sad, sad come-from, but it appears at least she was permitted to go to school. The other kids went right to work to make her feel welcomed, and by Friday, she was ready to be the mascot for her team during the Elim Church games day, rt foto, with Anita and one of the Elim teens. Kids so want to enjoy life, and because of this, they tend to quickly "shift gears", as it were. They want to be loved, and to love too; I've seen this particular group of kids be willing to let go of offenses easily in order to enjoy life. Good lesson for this kid at heart!
Quik notes:
*Took a good portion of this week for Guillermo's strength and stamina to return. Wish he'd take vitamins at least.
*Got to see some dear, delightful interactions between these dear, delightful kids, like 3 yr old Oliver gently swinging Luis in the baby swing, emphasis on "gently", or way-little-for-6-yrs-old Miguelito running across the cancha to help sturdily-built 5 yr old Nelson after he fell. Oh these kids!
*The oldest group of girls are rather restless these days, and of course, this has led to some discipline problems. On the other hand, when I try to imagine their life, it seems to me they are all doing outstandingly. God has such love for each of these precious girls, and also a fabulous future in His Kingdom here on earth. tyj!
*After a shaky start, Floridelma has settled in quite nicely. No more escape attempts or thefts either, she is doing her share of the chores, and has made some good friends. yea!
Awesome update.. thank you ... it feels like we are there. Well, you know what I mean. Wish we were there. I do have that ticket to use before FEb 2012. hum????